Combination Examples
Kitchen Sink
Showcase of Ext JS components and features
Sencha Charts Kitchen Sink
Showcase of Sencha Charts
Executive Dashboard
A Tablet-Friendly Responsive Dashboard Application
Feed Viewer
RSS feed reader example application
Ext JS Calendar
Example Calendar application
Web Desktop
Demonstrates how one could build a desktop in the browser using Ext JS
Ticket App
Simple ticket application that demonstrates MVC concepts and data binding
Portal Demo
A page layout using several custom extensions to provide a web portal interface.
Simple Tasks
Complete personal task management application example
Responsive Design Demo
A simple application that shows how to implement a responsive UI.
Image Viewer
An image viewer with drag/drop functionality
Theme Viewer
View and test every Ext component against bundled Ext themes.
Right-to-Left (RTL)
Demonstrates Ext JS support for right-to-left languages
Ext JS Legacy Charts Kitchen Sink
Showcase of Ext JS Legacy Charts
Grid Data Binding
Data binding a grid to a detail preview panel via the grid"s RowSelectionModel
Grid Grouping with Summary
Grouping grid with cell editing and custom dynamic summary calculations
Grid with Buffered Store
Sample grid which scrolls through thousands of rows dynamically loaded from a server
Grid with Live Search Capability
Grid with Live Search Capability
Grouping with Remote Summary
Grouping grid with cell editing and remotely loaded dynamic summary calculations
Grid Row Editing
An editable grid which allows the user to make modifications to an entire record at onc
RESTful Store with GridPanel and RowEditor
A RESTful Store which generates CRUD requests to the server in JSON format
Editable Grid with Writable Store
A Grid that generate CRUD requests to the server using Ajax
Editable Grid with JSONP Writable Store
A Grid that generate CRUD requests to the server using JsonP
Buffered Scrolling
A grid that uses a virtualized scrolling system to handle very large data sets.
Grid From Markup
Create a grid with from an existing, unformatted HTML table.
Locking Grouping Summary Grid
Grouping grid with cell editing, column locking, and dynamic summary calculations.
Grid with Filtered and Buffered Store
A grid that shows how to apply filters to a buffered store.
Locking Grouped Header Summary Grid
Grouped grid with locked columns and grouped column headers
Window Variations
A collection of Windows in different configurations
Layout Window
A window containing a basic BorderLayout with nested TabPanel
Locking TreeGrid
TreeGrid with lockable columns
Custom Drop Logic
A tree with custom drag/drop handling to determine where nodes can be moved
Buffer Rendered Tree
Rendering very large trees efficiently
Locking Buffer Rendered Tree
Rendering very large trees efficiently. With locked columns
Drag and Drop
Grid Cell to Cell DnD
Illustrates how a custom plugin can enable cell drag and drop operations within the same GridView
Custom Drag and Drop
A completely custom Drag and Drop example showing DnD between a DataView and a grid
Toolbars and Menus
Basic Toolbar
Toolbar and menus that contain various components like date pickers, color pickers, sub-menus and more
Toolbar Button Groups
Group buttons together in the toolbar
Vertical Toolbars
Vertical Toolbars on the left and right. Combined vertical and horizontal toolbars
Ext Grid Actions
Bind the same behavior to multiple buttons, toolbar and menu items using the Ext.Action class
Reorderable Toolbar
Items within a toolbar can be reordered using this plugin
Overflow Toolbar
Items within a toolbar will be placed into an overflow menu if the toolbar is too narrow
Status Bar
A simple StatusBar that can be dropped into the bottom of any panel to display status text and icon
Status Bar (Advanced)
Customizing the StatusBar via a plugin to provide automatic form validation monitoring and error linking
Ext Toolbar Actions
Bind the same behavior to multiple buttons, toolbar and menu items using the Ext.Action class
This example shows how to use an Ext.view.View
Animated DataView
Transition animation plugin applied to a standard DataView
Advanced DataView
DataView which allows you to filter and sort images
Feed Viewer
An MVC application version of the Feed Viewer example. This shows best practice for a small app
Nested Loading
An MVC example that shows simple navigation and nested loading with the data package
ARIA demo
Shows Ext JS's comprehensive keyboard support for users who have difficulty using a pointing device
A History manager that allows the user to navigate an Ext UI via browser back/forward
History - Router
Utilizing routes within a MVC controller to navigate an Ext UI via browser back/forward buttons
Google Maps
A Google Maps wrapper class that enables easy display of dynamic maps in Ext panels and windows
An example demonstrating the ease of use of the Ext.editor class to modify DOM elements
A slider component that supports vertical mode, snapping, tooltips, customized styles and multiple thumbs
Various tooltip and quick tip configuration options including Ajax loading and mouse tracking
Progress Bar
A basic progress bar component shown in various configurations and with custom styles
A basic collapsible panel example.
Examples of making any element resizable with various configuration options
A utility for masking everything except a single element on the page to visually highlight it
Keyboard Navigation
Shows a custom keyboard navigation using the KeyNav class
Localization (static)
Demonstrates fully localizing a form by including a custom locale script
Localization (dynamic)
Dynamically render various Ext components in different locales by selecting from a locale list
Browser State Management
An example of storing your application's state
Basic Templating
A basic templating example
MultiSelect and ItemSelector
Example controls for selecting a list of items in forms